What is Juniper Berry used for?

What would you use Juniper Berry essential oil for?  Well, it has many different uses with a few generalized themes. Themes:  Detoxifier, Astringent, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Anti-rheumatic, Diuretic, Anti-Parasitic Ailments/Issues that Juniper Berry can help with Jaundice, liver issues and detoxification Kidney Stones and Infection Acne Psoriasis Urinary Health Water Retention Sore Joints and Muscles Bacteria […]

Essential Oils and Children

Essential Oils and Children

As a wellness advocate for essential oils, we teach others what we learn.  This last Tuesday I did my first Facebook Live teaching on “Essential Oils and Infants, Toddlers and Children”.  I put together a presentation on some basics about essential oils and using them with children birth and up and tried to answer some […]